Our local paper had a great column today. Claudia Sternbach manages to capture the essence of what a slow adventure walker is. Our walkers love the great outdoors, exercise, and discovery....however, they also love a cold drink, warm bed, and good food at the end of the day. We've already had numerous inquiries from hikers and walkers who have been waiting to explore Monterey Bay in this unbeatable style. Read her column!
Our local paper had a great column today. Claudia Sternbach manages to capture the essence of what a slow adventure walker is. Our walkers love the great outdoors, exercise, and discovery….however, they also love a cold drink, warm bed, and good food at the end of the day. We’ve already had numerous inquiries from hikers and walkers who have been waiting to explore Monterey Bay in this unbeatable style. Read her column!
Who knew you could fulfill many of you favorite cycling dreams right here in Santa Cruz? Meet Marty Abaurrea, the owner and chief guide for Santa Cruz Bike Tours. Marty creates dream bicycle adventure tours….whether you want to enjoy extreme single track cycling in the redwoods followed by wine tasting at a secluded family estate winery….or, would rather pedal along the coast, sampling brewpubs and checking out the waves. Slow Adventures is proud to partner with Santa Cruz Bike Tours for our excursions during the Walk the Bay adventure or throughout a multi-sport custom walking tour. Check out www.santacruzbiketours.com and dream!
Who knew you could fulfill many of you favorite cycling dreams right here in Santa Cruz? Meet Marty Abaurrea, the owner and chief guide for Santa Cruz Bike Tours. Marty creates dream bicycle adventure tours….whether you want to enjoy extreme single track cycling in the redwoods followed by wine tasting at a secluded family estate winery….or, would rather pedal along the coast, sampling brewpubs and checking out the waves. Slow Adventures is proud to partner with Santa Cruz Bike Tours for our excursions during the Walk the Bay adventure or throughout a multi-sport custom walking tour. Check out www.santacruzbiketours.com and dream!
How about a photo each day for a year? My friend and excellent photographer, web designer, and social activist, Jen Wills, is doing just that. Her project, "A 365 Vision Project" requires her to take one photo each day, make a short comment or reflection, and post to her website. The result is a fantastic and unusual view of Santa Cruz, California, one day at a time. Please enjoy at www.jwillsphoto.com.
How about a photo each day for a year? My friend and excellent photographer, web designer, and social activist, Jen Wills, is doing just that. Her project, “A 365 Vision Project” requires her to take one photo each day, make a short comment or reflection, and post to her website. The result is a fantastic and unusual view of Santa Cruz, California, one day at a time. Please enjoy at www.jwillsphoto.com.
You Can Walk the Bay…Sometimes Most people I’ve talked to in the Monterey Bay area comment on our Walk the Bay trip with….”I didn’t know you could walk all the way from Santa Cruz to Monterey on the beach?” Well, you can….and can’t. During the winter months it is virtually impossible to get to Monterey from Santa Cruz. The Salinas River and the Pajaro River both flow into the Monterey Bay and create quite a dangerous crossing, even for an Adventure Guide. So, we run our trips from May through September for a very good reason. If you have any doubts check out this article about our walks in the local newspaper. http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/localnews/ci_14528282
You Can Walk the Bay…Sometimes
Most people I’ve talked to in the Monterey Bay area comment on our Walk the Bay trip with….”I didn’t know you could walk all the way from Santa Cruz to Monterey on the beach?”
Well, you can….and can’t. During the winter months it is virtually impossible to get to Monterey from Santa Cruz. The Salinas River and the Pajaro River both flow into the Monterey Bay and create quite a dangerous crossing, even for an Adventure Guide.
So, we run our trips from May through September for a very good reason. If you have any doubts check out this article about our walks in the local newspaper. http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/localnews/ci_14528282
The internet has changed how we all plan our vacations. I am pleased to report that we are featured on two very helpful international websites, www.inntravel.com and www.realadventures.com. Just look under United States and you can’t miss us. For locals seeking a staycation or weekend getaway in the Monterey Bay area the bestsantacruztours.com site is really enlightening….so much to do in our own backyard, including Walk the Bay.
The internet has changed how we all plan our vacations. I am pleased to report that we are featured on two very helpful international websites, www.inntravel.com and www.realadventures.com. Just look under United States and you can’t miss us. For locals seeking a staycation or weekend getaway in the Monterey Bay area the bestsantacruztours.com site is really enlightening….so much to do in our own backyard, including Walk the Bay.