Whenever I return from a journey overseas I realize that I just spent a great deal of time exploring a new town or city when I have yet to explore all that there is to see in my own area. That being said…it’s time to spend time along the biggest waterway in Santa Cruz, The San Lorenzo River. How many times have we crossed one of the 7 bridges spanning this river on our way to the beach or to downtown?

It’s time to spend some quality time along the shores of the river. This Sunday, the 16th, I’ve organized a group of walkers (you’re invited) to meet at 9am at the mouth of the river on East Cliff Drive, near the intersection with Murray Street, overlooking the beach. We will walk 2.5 miles along the river, crossing all 7 bridges, arriving at the Tannery Arts Center. Then, we will return, criss-crossing along the bridges back to our starting point (around 11am or so?).
The route is paved and flat but still offers a sense of wilderness with many migratory birds to observe. Dogs on leash and kids in strollers are welcome.
If you can’t make Sunday’s walk, please click here to see a map of the walk. Next time you have a couple of hours and want to see some new views of Santa Cruz, take a walk along the river!