Walk the Bay trip participants had a special inside look at one of the most fascinating scientific research centers on the Monterey Bay. Thanks to Johnny Machado, Graduate Program Assistant, our walkers toured the spectacular facility perched on the dunes overlooking the Bay. It was a special treat after walking 22 miles from Santa Cruz....only 18 more to Monterey! Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML) administers the Masters of Science program for a consortium of seven California State University campuses in northern and central California. An outfitted Marine Operations department, research diving program and state of the art equipment allow for cutting edge research in marine ecology, the biology of marine plants, invertebrates, fishes, turtles, birds and mammals, oceanography, and marine geology, chemistry, and biogeochemistry.
An inside look at marine research
Walk the Bay trip participants had a special inside look at one of the most fascinating scientific research centers on the Monterey Bay. Thanks to Johnny Machado, Graduate Program Assistant, our walkers toured the spectacular facility perched on the dunes overlooking the Bay. It was a special treat after walking 22 miles from Santa Cruz….only 18 more to Monterey!
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML) administers the Masters of Science program for a consortium of seven California State University campuses in northern and central California.
An outfitted Marine Operations department, research diving program and state of the art equipment allow for cutting edge research in marine ecology, the biology of marine plants, invertebrates, fishes, turtles, birds and mammals, oceanography, and marine geology, chemistry, and biogeochemistry.
One of the great benefits of Walk the Bay are the surprises one finds along the way. The latest discovery along our route is The Shakespeare Society of America world headquarters. Yes, in the sleepy, quaint, village of Moss Landing...a Shakespearean library, archive, and gift shop. The owner will give you a personal tour and tell you the how this unique location was chosen. For those of you who can't resist....have your photo taken out front.
Moss Landing Headquarters
One of the great benefits of Walk the Bay are the surprises one finds along the way. The latest discovery along our route is The Shakespeare Society of America world headquarters. Yes, in the sleepy, quaint, village of Moss Landing…a Shakespearean library, archive, and gift shop. The owner will give you a personal tour and tell you the how this unique location was chosen.
For those of you who can’t resist….have your photo taken out front.
When you walk from Santa Cruz to Monterey one never knows what you will see along the way. The joy of discovery is perhaps the best part of the journey. You may even find yourself enjoying BIRD WATCHING! This is alarming for many of our walkers....but, relax, it's fun, addicting, and many of your own family and friends are birdwatchers. Here we are enjoying the saline pond, steps from Day 3 of our Walk the Bay trip along the Monterey Bay, setting up cameras, peering through binoculars. Why? Because watching the amazing activities of birds is a unique wilderness experience. It is a very special time when you as a human interact at very close range with truly wild creatures. Go outside today and listen to the birds. Maybe you'll be tempted to pick up a camera or a pair of binoculars. Be prepared to enjoy the experience!
Part of the Wilderness Experience...
When you walk from Santa Cruz to Monterey one never knows what you will see along the way. The joy of discovery is perhaps the best part of the journey. You may even find yourself enjoying BIRD WATCHING! This is alarming for many of our walkers….but, relax, it’s fun, addicting, and many of your own family and friends are birdwatchers. Finding birds along the way...
Here we are enjoying the saline pond, steps from Day 3 of our Walk the Bay trip along the Monterey Bay, setting up cameras, peering through binoculars. Why? Because watching the amazing activities of birds is a unique wilderness experience. It is a very special time when you as a human interact at very close range with truly wild creatures.
Go outside today and listen to the birds. Maybe you’ll be tempted to pick up a camera or a pair of binoculars. Be prepared to enjoy the experience!
Many of my hiking friends can't understand how walking 40 miles along the shoreline of Monterey would hold their interest. "Isn't it just sand and water?" Well, the fun of walking along a marine sanctuary is finding all the hidden surprises. One wonderful place is only steps from a desolate beach, the Salinas River National Wildlife Refuge. As you walk south from Moss Landing and cross the Salinas River you may have had your fill of gorgeous sand, wild crashing surf, and shorebirds. If so, step inland about 100 yards through a roped entrance into the enchanting world that surrounds the "saline pond." Currently, there are avocets tending to their young. My brother took these pictures yesterday. We also sighted numerous black necked stilts, long billed curlews, gadwalls, northern shovelers, caspian terns, cinnamon teal, common loons, and several savannah sparrows. All in all, a beautiful and secret place steps from the beach.
Many of my hiking friends can’t understand how walking 40 miles along the shoreline of Monterey would hold their interest. “Isn’t it just sand and water?”
Well, the fun of walking along a marine sanctuary is finding all the hidden surprises. One wonderful place is only steps from a desolate beach, the Salinas River National Wildlife Refuge.
As you walk south from Moss Landing and cross the Salinas River you may have had your fill of gorgeous sand, wild crashing surf, and shorebirds. If so, step inland about 100 yards through a roped entrance into the enchanting world that surrounds the “saline pond.”
Currently, there are avocets tending to their young. My brother took these pictures yesterday. We also sighted numerous black necked stilts, long billed curlews, gadwalls, northern shovelers, caspian terns, cinnamon teal, common loons, and several savannah sparrows. All in all, a beautiful and secret place steps from the beach.