Now that 2010 is almost over, it should be noted that two new walking shoes became popular this year. Time will tell whether these revolutionary designs will stick around for the next decade.
One of the most intriguing new shoes is the Vibram Five Fingers (VFF), a “barefoot” experience. One of our Walk the Bay finishers did the entire 40 mile route this summer wearing these radical shoes.
Proponents swear that returning our foot to it’s natural state will enhance the walking or running experience and solve a multitude of joint problems. An excellent article by a fan of the VFF shoes can be found here.

The other shoe craze for walkers are the dynamic walkers or rocker walkers. The most popular editions are the models by Sketchers. However, many other manufacturers are offering shoes that mimic the benefits of walking on sand. The shoes have a curved sole that creates an imbalance when you walk, making your calves, thighs and glutes work harder. Many of us have been crowing about the amazing workout one gets from a long distance beach walk. Now city walkers can enjoy the enhanced workout, as well. Check out this interesting article.
I’ll be experimenting over the off season with a pair of dynamic shoes and will report my findings.
In the meantime, the most important walking shoe is the one you wear and the one that keeps you happy as you walk your way around the neighborhood or around the globe. Keep walking!